Ⅰ Lily的lily不是名古屋春子
I don't really know who Nagoya Haruko is <- still searching about that, but Nara Chiharu and Lily is not the same person, though their style could be quit similar to each other.
Remember the doujinshi ya found? [this one -> [link] (ラブシック, Rabushikku) ; it said the author: 橘御卜拦 红绪 (Tachibana Benio ) and Illustration: 笹上 (Sasa Ue ). Looking atthe art, we can safely say that 笹上 is Lily's name. After that I searched for Lily's work in the japanese amazon; there are only two works listed under her, the one you have found and then another one where she's the author. ^.^ I have also searched under Nara Chiharu (奈良千春 ) , about her works, bio etc. I found a list with all her dramas. She's a BL novel illustrator and none of her works have the name ラブシック, Rabushikku.
So yea they are not the same person, although their style is quit similar. Lily have always the same style, while Nara Chiharu have changed her style, quit subetly over the years. Already in 2005 their style is already quit similiar, however each style is still unique to each other heeh. Just look at their hair. >.<
Also if they are the same person, then in Nara Chiharu's bio, they'll say something aout alternative name or something like that. Hope that helps.
还记得得到丫发现吗?[这一- >[链接](ラブシック,Rabushikku);它说作者:橘红绪(立花Benio)和插图:笹上(莎莎问题)。展望在艺术,我们可以安全地说,“笹上”是莉莉的名字镇胡。之后,我找莉莉的工作在日本亚马逊;只有两列在她的工作,
Ⅱ lily用艺术字怎么写
Ⅲ 名字叫丽丽英语怎么写