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发布时间:2022-01-11 16:52:49

‘壹’ 英语手抄报简单又漂亮宠物狗


Dogs; They don’t care if your different, if you lack fashion sense, what you drive, where you live or how many friends you may have. They are never ashamed of you or worried about fitting in, they just love and accept you unconditionally.

That is why they are called MANS BEST FRIEND!


While some dog breeds look similar, dogs often take on the personality of their owner. Even among the same litter you may find very different looks and personalities with each puppy. While the information at Dog Encyclopedia is meant as a guideline for choosing your new dog or puppy, you will always be the final judge if a pet is right for your and your environment.


Be sure youlicense your dog.

Dog tags are important for your dog to have and microchips are affordable so you can get your dog back if he runs away. Also, you can put on his tag, his name, and your phone number or the place where you live, so people can know where to leave your dog!

Take your dog out for twolong walkseach day.

'Long' means about thirty minutes. He needs the exercise, and this will become a good habit for both of you. However, if you have a small breed or a puppy, you might want to start out with less and graally work your way up. Consider also buying your dog a harness instead of using a collar on your walks. Also, if you have a large yard play fun games like fetch and Frisbee.

Crate trainyour dog.

This means he needs to sleep in his crate from the beginning. A crate is your dogs home (den) and his security. If you have a young puppy, some people claim that it helps to stick an analog clock wrapped in a towel next to your "sleeping beauty" because it sounds like a mother dog's heartbeat.

Make sure you reward and compliment your pup when he does something right.

Give him a treat, or say 'Good boy! Great job!' in an excited voice.


Be patientwith puppies. It takes time for them to learn.

Don't go overboard with expensive toys. Dogs love the inexpensive ones too! An old washrag dampened with water, tied in a knot and frozen is a great treat for teething puppies.

Give your dog(s) a lot of attention.

Once, it has become a dog (not a puppy) it still may act like one. Always play fun games and give it rewards that it used to get as a puppy.

Never ignore your dog when he/she is trying to play or interact with you.

Give your dog the right toys and bones for when you can't pay attention to them.


可以去 Dog Encyclopedia 这个网站查资料。

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