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发布时间:2022-10-29 20:36:58

⑴ 优秀动物园英语手抄报素材




On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.



to the zoo

Today is Sunday. It's sunny today . I go to the zoo with my mother. I can see many animals . There are tigers ,lions ,pandas ,snakes and many more. Look ! The pandas are over there . They're from China . Look at the baby panda ! It's climbing trees. How cute it is ! I love pandas.

Next, we go to see the lions .The lions are so strong . Their mouths are too big. The tigers ae next to them. They are from Asia. They are yellow. At last,we go to see the monkeys . Some are climbing moutains , some are eating bananas . THey ' re so much fun !

I see many animals at the zoo and I 'm so happy today!






Zoological garden is a place for collecting and raising all kinds of animals, concting scientific research and ex situ protection, for public viewing, scientific popularization, publicity and protection ecation. The zoo has two basic characteristics: one is to raise and manage wild animals (non domestic animals such as poultry, livestock and pets), and the other is to be open to the public. The places that conform to these two basic characteristics are zoos in a broad sense, including aquariums, special zoos and other types; In a narrow sense, zoos refer to urban zoos and wildlife parks. The basic function of the zoo is the comprehensive protection of wild animals and the protection and ecation of the public.

动物园(zoological garden)是搜集饲养各种动物,进行科学研究和迁地保护,供公众观赏并进行科学普及和宣传保护教育的场所。动物园有两个基本特点:一是饲养管理着野生动物(非家禽、家畜、宠物等家养动物),二是向公众开放。符合这两个基本特点的场所即是广义上的动物园,包括水族馆、专类动物园等类型;狭义上的动物园指城市动物园和野生动物园。动物园的'基本功能是对野生动物的综合保护和对公众的保护教育。


Since the end of the 19th century, Europe has begun to use trenches, rivers and glass cages to replace walls and cages for natural ecological layout. With the deepening of zoological research and the application of new materials and technologies, we will make more use of the characteristics of natural conditions in this area, the planting layout of garden plants, and make the zoo more and more natural scenery. In order to facilitate viewing, some large zoos that implement stocking have installed overhead trams for tourists to visit at low altitude.

Zoos generally place animals in fences similar to their natural habitats. Some zoos also have special facilities for nocturnal animals. For example, they use a dim lighting system ring the day. Therefore, when tourists visit, the animal can move and turn on the bright lighting at night to give it a rest time. In addition, specific climatic environments will be made for animals living in special environments, such as penguins. There are also special environments for birds, insects, fish and other aquatic animals.

In addition, many zoos have hiking exhibitions, where visitors can enter the fences of some non aggressive animals, such as lemurs, marmosets, birds, lizards and turtles. But zoos usually ask tourists to follow the rules of entry to avoid accidents.





⑵ 动物主题的英语手抄报


Animals are the great resource of this world and they populate in every corner of the world. They are the fascinating and joy inspiring creatures of the world.

Classification of animals:
Animals can be classified in different ways but the general classification can be easily done by their feeding habit.
Animals are classified into four different categories by their eating habit.

⑶ 英语手抄报简单又漂亮宠物狗


Dogs; They don’t care if your different, if you lack fashion sense, what you drive, where you live or how many friends you may have. They are never ashamed of you or worried about fitting in, they just love and accept you unconditionally.

That is why they are called MANS BEST FRIEND!


While some dog breeds look similar, dogs often take on the personality of their owner. Even among the same litter you may find very different looks and personalities with each puppy. While the information at Dog Encyclopedia is meant as a guideline for choosing your new dog or puppy, you will always be the final judge if a pet is right for your and your environment.


Be sure youlicense your dog.

Dog tags are important for your dog to have and microchips are affordable so you can get your dog back if he runs away. Also, you can put on his tag, his name, and your phone number or the place where you live, so people can know where to leave your dog!

Take your dog out for twolong walkseach day.

'Long' means about thirty minutes. He needs the exercise, and this will become a good habit for both of you. However, if you have a small breed or a puppy, you might want to start out with less and graally work your way up. Consider also buying your dog a harness instead of using a collar on your walks. Also, if you have a large yard play fun games like fetch and Frisbee.

Crate trainyour dog.

This means he needs to sleep in his crate from the beginning. A crate is your dogs home (den) and his security. If you have a young puppy, some people claim that it helps to stick an analog clock wrapped in a towel next to your "sleeping beauty" because it sounds like a mother dog's heartbeat.

Make sure you reward and compliment your pup when he does something right.

Give him a treat, or say 'Good boy! Great job!' in an excited voice.


Be patientwith puppies. It takes time for them to learn.

Don't go overboard with expensive toys. Dogs love the inexpensive ones too! An old washrag dampened with water, tied in a knot and frozen is a great treat for teething puppies.

Give your dog(s) a lot of attention.

Once, it has become a dog (not a puppy) it still may act like one. Always play fun games and give it rewards that it used to get as a puppy.

Never ignore your dog when he/she is trying to play or interact with you.

Give your dog the right toys and bones for when you can't pay attention to them.


可以去 Dog Encyclopedia 这个网站查资料。

⑷ 动物英语手抄报三年级一等奖

狮子——lion 豹——leopard 熊猫——panda 老虎——tiger 狼——wolf 斑马——zebra 公牛——bull 母牛——cow 小牛——calf 水牛——buffalo 山羊——goat 绵羊——sheep 羊羔——lamb 熊——bear 骆驼——camel 鹿——deer 大象——elephant 狐狸——fox 长颈鹿——giraffe 马——horse 猪——pig 狗——dog 猴子——monkey 蝙蝠——bat 猫——cat 袋鼠——kangaroo 刺猬——hedgehog 松鼠——squirrel 兔子——rabbit 老鼠——rat 海豚——dolphin 鲸——whale 海豹—— seal 乌龟——tortoise 鳄鱼——crocodile 河马——hippopotamus 鱼——fish 虾——shrimp 螃蟹——crab 龙虾——lobster 蜗牛——snail 蛙——frog 蛇——snake 蚯蚓——worm 公鸡——cock 母鸡——hen 小鸡——chick 鸭子ck 小鸭——ckling 鹅——goose 蜘蛛spider 蚂蚁ant 蜜蜂bee 蝴蝶butterfly 蜻蜓dragonfly 老鹰eagle 猫头鹰owl 乌鸦crow 鸽子dove 鸟bird 驼鸟ostrich 鹦鹉parrot 燕子swallow 麻雀sparrow 甲虫beetle 天鹅swan 鹤crane 孔雀peacock 企鹅penguin 蚕silkworm 苍蝇fly 蚊子mosquito 蟑螂roach

蚱玛grasshopper 火鸡turkeys 晰蜴lizard 獾badger 蟾蜍toad 鼹鼠mole Mouse 鼠 rat 大老鼠cow 母牛Tiger 虎Rabbit 兔Dragon 龙Snake 蛇 Horse 马sheep 绵羊 Monkey 猴子 Chicken 鸡 Dog 狗 cat 猫Pig 猪Bird 鸟 eagle 老鹰 pigeon 鸽子 dove 鸽子owl 猫头鹰 gull 海鸥 sparrow 麻雀Parrot 鹦鹉 Penguin 企鹅 goose 鹅 ck 鸭 flea 跳蚤 Bear 熊 panda 熊猫 Elephant 大象 Deer 鹿 hippo 河马 wolf 狼Donkey 驴子 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 无尾熊Giraffe 长颈鹿 zebra 斑马 lion 狮子 Crab 螃蟹 shrimp 虾fish 鱼whale 鲸鱼 dolphin 海豚turtle 乌龟eel 鳗鱼starfish 海星 sea horse 海马 Dinosaur 恐龙 jellyfish 水母peacock

⑸ 英语十二生肖手抄报既简单又好看

⑹ 以animals为主题的英语手抄报






其实,我们知道,second 1anguage与first language相对,而foreign 1anguage和non-native language是与mother tongue和native 1anguage相对的。

first language和mother tongue和native 1anguage的共同特点是:(1)最早习得的语言,常常是在家庭环境中习;(2)熟练程度高。语言直觉强。

second language,foreign language和non-native language的共同特点是:(1)是一种双语现象;(2)在掌握的时间顺序上次于第一语言;(3)熟练程度一般不如第一语言;(4)习得方式一般是学校教育、家庭教育或自学。




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