1. 150张好看的壁纸
少年总是那样耀眼,总让人热爱。 Teenagers are always so dazzling and always loved.
1. 少女壁纸 2. 兔子壁纸 3. 绿色系壁纸 4. 粉色系壁纸 5. 橘色系壁纸 6. 动物壁纸 7. 花朵壁纸 8. 紫色壁纸
少女壁纸:让结局不留遗憾,让过程更加完美。 Let the ending leave no regrets and make the process more perfect
兔子壁纸:季节总要走向金黄,少年也终将成为宝藏。 The season will always turn golden, and teenagers will eventually become treasures.
绿色系壁纸:该来的总会姗姗来迟,想走的总是迫不及待。 Those who should come are always late, and those who want to leave can't wait.
粉色系壁纸:没有谁对谁错,只是站的立场不同。 No one is right or wrong, just stand on different positions.
橘色系壁纸:“我不太温柔 但对于你尽我所能.” "I'm not very gentle, but I'll do my best for you."
动物壁纸:世上有那么多条条框框,就是要告诉你不用格格都入。 There are so many rules and regulations in the world to tell you that you don't have to go all the way.
花朵壁纸:因为孤独是常态,所以陪伴显得格外珍惜。 Because loneliness is normal, company seems to be cherished.
紫色壁纸:爱自己是原则,爱生活是底线。 Love yourself is the principle, love life is the bottom line
2. 求一张手机壁纸,简笔画三个小女孩是闺蜜的那种,背景深橘色,一个长发一个短发一个中长发,都是站着的,