导航:首页 > 可爱图片 > sad一个女孩蹲着图片


发布时间:2024-11-17 16:35:51

❶ 鬼故事翻译成英文

第一个回答是机器翻译,很不负责任 。我一会儿给你人工翻译

Oneday in the countryside, you were on your way back home after work

Then you saw a girl with a ponytail whom squat down crying with her face against the wall.

You went over there and asked why she was cry, had anyone teased you

She answered that her family were all killed in a car accident

Then you comforted her not to be too sad and said that you would send her home

She said no because you would be afraid when you saw her looks

You said that's alright. "stand up I'll send you to go home."

She stood up and then turned to face you

but what you saw still a ponytail...



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