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发布时间:2024-07-16 05:58:57

‘壹’ 自己不坚强 懦弱给谁看的句子


Life doesn't go according to the way you want, it will give you a period of time, make you lonely and confused, when you get through the low tide, those alone time will surely light your way.


If you are not strong, cowardly to whom to see! No matter how bad life is, don't say it to everyone. Instead, you should be positive and try to change the status quo.


Life is very realistic, when you are at a high place, people around you will be around you. When you are at a low point, people around you always ignore your existence.


In the world, there is no futile effort, no chance of success, all inadvertently, in fact, it is natural. There is no road for nothing in life, and there is no suffering for nothing. Every step out is the cornerstone and bedding for the future.


Behind every let it go is an effort to change, but it is not allowed. Behind every free and easy one, there is a struggle before putting it down. There are unspeakable secrets in everyone's heart.



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