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Then we watched a film at the cinema什么意思

发布时间:2024-04-15 16:41:30

Ⅰ 看电影 几个句子翻译

1 你今晚几点下班,我有事情和你商量
What time will you finish your work today, I have something to discuss with you.
2 我晚上下了班,就联系你,咱们一起吃个饭。 / 一起看电影。
I will contact you after I finish my work,let's go and hava the dinner/watch a movie togeather.
3 昨天我和她 吃过饭以后,去看了场电影。
After dinner we
4 你昨天和女友去电影院 看的什么电影?
What kind of movies did you and your girlfriend see in the cinema?
5 昨天你和朋友们去哪里吃的饭啊? 吃的什么饭菜?
Where are you going for dinner with your friend? What did you take?
6 你妈妈中午给你做的什么饭菜 ?
What your mother made you for noon meal?

Ⅱ weliketowatchafilmatthecinema是什么意思

we like to watch a film at the cinema


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