導航:首頁 > 小說推薦 > 今天電影院上映了什麼片子用英語怎麼說?


發布時間:2024-01-02 02:34:28



1. How to say the movies released in the cinema today in English?

When we want to ask about the movies released in the cinema today and express it in English, we can use the following phrases:

- What movies are playing in the cinema today? - What movies are showing in the cinema today? - What movies are being screened in the cinema today? - What movies are on at the cinema today?

2. What are the English translations of the movies released in the cinema today?

If you want to know the English translations of the movies released in the cinema today, you can say:

- What are the English titles of the movies showing in the cinema today? - What are the English names of the movies playing in the cinema today? - What are the English versions of the movies being screened in the cinema today? - What are the English equivalents of the movies on at the cinema today?

3. Translating the titles of the movies released in the cinema today into English.

When you want to translate the titles of the movies released in the cinema today into English, you can ask:

- How do you say the titles of the movies showing in the cinema today in English? - What are the English translations of the movie titles playing in the cinema today? - Can you give me the English names of the movies being screened in the cinema today? - Please tell me the English equivalents of the movie titles on at the cinema today.

4. Discovering the English names of the movies that premiered in the cinema today.

If you want to discover the English names of the movies that premiered in the cinema today, you can say:

- What are the English titles of the movies that just came out in the cinema today? - Can you tell me the English names of the movies that were released in the cinema today? - Please give me the English versions of the movies that premiered at the cinema today. - What are the English equivalents of the movies that are newly released in the cinema today?

5. Exploring the English equivalents of the movies premiered in the cinema today.

When you want to explore the English equivalents of the movies premiered in the cinema today, you can ask:

- What are the English titles of the movies that just opened in the cinema today? - Can you provide me with the English names of the movies that started showing in the cinema today? - Please share the English versions of the movies that began screening at the cinema today. - What are the English translations of the movies that are now playing in the cinema today?




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