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發布時間:2023-12-01 03:59:10



1. How to say the movie I watched in the cinema in English?

If you want to translate the sentence "我在電影院看的電影" directly into English, you can say "The movie I watched in the cinema." This translation accurately conveys the meaning of the sentence.

2. Translation for the movie I saw at the cinema

Another way to express the same idea is to say "The movie I saw at the cinema." This translation is also commonly used and easily understood by English speakers.

3. Expressing the film I watched in the theater in English

If you watched the movie in a theater instead of a cinema, you can use the word "theater" in your expression. For example, you can say "The film I watched in the theater." This is a more specific way to describe the location where you watched the movie.

4. English term for the movie I viewed at the movie theater

If you prefer to use a single word to describe the movie theater experience, you can say "cinematic". This adjective can be used to modify the noun "experience" to create the phrase "cinematic experience." This phrase captures the idea of watching a movie in a theater.

5. Describing the film I attended in English

If you attended a film screening or a film festival, you can use the verb "attend" to describe your experience. For example, you can say "The film I attended at the film festival." This expresses the idea that you were present at the event where the movie was shown.




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