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Ⅰ 求大神將圖片上的文字轉換成word格式 在線等

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- _ 「 ABIIIE GRIFTIN mo totm rt. tratrsatt
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[-2- The use of exemplars rather than labels is an attempt by the proct-development
G mm» maintain as close a link as possible to the actual words by customers. For
§_= artample, one might label a group of statements about computer viewing devices as 「ap-
' 『 popriate ergonomics." but this may be misleading tithe customer really said 「everything
『 is blurred aher a day using my computer." The "blurred-vision" statement provides the
t team with more realistic clues about pmdllfl flit "ilk" "K Wliliuli
label does not.
h The groupconsensus chart for portable food-carrying devices was constructed by a
team of engineering manlumr chosen from M.l.T.'s Management of Technology Pro-
grant/l'heteam hadstudiedtheproct category. had read all ofthc interview transcripts.
and had reviewed the list of customer needs. The team was lead by Abbie Griffin. who
had observed and/or participated in almost 20 instry applications of group-consensus
charts at that time. Sixty M.l.T. graate students who use food-canying devices panic-
ipated in the customer sort. Because we funded this data collection ourselves. we reP°f\
the actual customer needs.
In addition we compared group-consensus charts and customer-sort hierarchies for 8
major consumer good with almost 200 customer needs Two g'0up-C0ltS¢l'tSttS charts
were developed: one by a team at the consumer-procts company who had worked on
the proct category. and mother by a team olgraate students from M.l.T.『s engineering
school. The customer-sort hierarchy was based on a sample of 60 consumers chosen
randomly from active users of the proct category. Because the data are proprietary,
we report summary statistics and our qualitative impressions only.
Finally. wereportonacomputer-proct application in wltichateam-based consensus
chart was compared to a customer-based consensus chart. and we report the qualitative
elperienoe of approximately 20 proprietary applications of the customer-sort
I-『and-mn;viug Deviev Structures
Table I compares the top levels of the group-consensus chart and customer-sort hier-
archies for food-mnying devices (The complete hierarchies are available in Grithn l989.l
『 Consider first the number of secondary and tertiary needs and the number oi『 exemplars
It within each primary grouping. The customer-sort technique provides a more even dis-
『¥『 ._ uibution. While an even distribution rs no guarantee that a hierarchy is better. an even
'_ distribution is one of the desirable features for which proct-development teams look.
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Ⅱ 圖片文字如何轉換成word

FineReader PDF 15就是這樣的一款軟體。

ABBYY FineReader PDF 15是由泰比公司研發的一款功能全面且易用的OCR文字識別軟體,可以將掃描的照片、PDF文件轉換成各種其他可搜索以及可編輯的文件。


除此之外,ABBYY FineReader PDF 15還可以將條形碼、傳真、照片、雜志或報紙頁面等各種不同類型的文檔轉換成易於搜索和編輯的內容。

例如,當大家需要將一個PDF文件轉化為Word格式時,僅需在軟體主頁單擊轉化為Microsoft Word。



作為一款十分專業的OCR文字識別軟體,ABBYY FineReader PDF 15適合於每天需要面對大量文檔的白領以及需要頻繁進行OCR轉化的文字工作者,強大而全面的功能與極高的精準率可以讓大家的工作效率更上一層樓。

FineReader PDF 15就是這樣的一款軟體。




3.打開「開始」菜單-「所有程序」-「Microsoft Office」-「Microsoft Office工具」-「Microsoft Office Document Imaging」打開。





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