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發布時間:2023-07-13 21:51:40

❶ 《蝴蝶效應3:啟示》中 酒吧女Vicki 的資料和照片

Melissa Jones 梅利莎·瓊斯家鄉: Hollywood 好萊塢 職業: Miss Horrorfest 2007 and model 興趣: Horror movies, fetish anything, latex clothing, fishnet, 8 inch heels, big fat eyelashes, tattoos, crazy hair, interesting makeup, weird art, weird people, vinyl, skulls, mohawks, nipple pasties, thigh high boots, rope bondage, Dia de los Muertos art, instrial music, dancing, drinking beer, bug eyed dogs, rockabilly, pin-up, gothic anything, long black fingernails, men that wear eyeliner and tight rubber pants, shaving my head, shaving my legs, shaving other parts of my body..... um yeah. 最喜愛的電影、明星和導演: Evil Dead 1&2, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, Night of the Living Dead, Poltergeist, Land of the Dead, The Shining, Sam Raimi, George Romero, Wes Craven, Linda Blair, Malcom McDowell, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Ichi the Killer, Halloween, Friday the 13th, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Sheri Moon Zombie, 最喜愛的音樂和藝人: Instrial, Dark Wave, Alternative, NIN, Covenant, Razorblade Dolls, Combichrist, David Bowie, 30 Seconds to Mars, Deftones, She Wants Revenge, Depeche Mode, Tiesto, ATB, Pantera, Marilyn Manson, Bullet for My Valentine, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Rob/White Zombie, Candlebox 作品年表:(2009) 蝴蝶效應3:啟示 (2008) 低級學習(2008) 三人餐桌(2007) 迷沙(2006)遺囑(2005)墮落者更多圖片請去 http://bbs.8day.cc/thread-649-1-1.html



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