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1. 水果沙拉的做法(英文)




Way of fruit salad

The raw material: 100 grams refrigeration fresh milk, 30 grams milk powder and
salt 5 gram 70 grams sugar, salad 150 grams oil and lemon 150 grams in the
primary juice and 3 in yolk is given birth to

Molate salad thick sauce made from soya beans, flour, and will use more
first-class salad oil, add the fresh egg is yellow. The yolk ( two person-portions
) to take several eggs is put in the big bowl, and adding one tea spoon salad
oil, the spoon is lashed with the steel. When lashing certainly will be
according to a direction, the at the same time a little toward the Lica salad
oil, then continues lashing. Initial stage is oiled certainly to be a small
amount(ly), otherwise can not be very good carries on emulsify reacting.
Dengs egg liquid when having some to glue the density, can add more than
expected a little You Ran Hou lashes again, ( fresh milk and lemon juice, salt
and sugar are joined one by one ) until egg liquid changes into up to gluing
thick form sticking with paste ( still will glue thick(ly)er ) than the
condensed milk very much again the raw and processed material. The thick sauce
made from soya beans, flour too glues thick(ly) can to add some lemon juice a
little or substitutes for with white vinegar if disliking.
Had better be two person do together, a side be with salad oil, and one is
played salad oil with the steel fork. The direction certainly can only faced
is beaten.

2. 水果沙拉的做法(翻譯成英語)

Making green salad

Get a bowl, and a head of lettuce. Then dry. To save time, simply buy a bag of already washed and shredded lettuce.

Wash and chop up a few to throw in with the salad. Try to mix interesting flavors, such as tomatoes, celery, and herbs (fresh is best).

If you want a salad with some extra protein, add some chopped pieces of turkey lunch meat or other meats.

Want to keep the salad vegetarian? Add some tofu or seitan chunks, and walnuts are good for any salad, meat-free or not.

Mix all of your ingredients into the bowl and stir together. Add your favorite dressing.

Serve. It's the easy, healthy, and tasty snack full of crunchy and chewy ingredients.


1 Choose the fruit carefully. Select only fruit that is fresh and ripe.

Avoid fruits that would overwhelm other ingredients.

Steer clear of fruits that might burst and stain the rest, like blackberries.

Be wary of fruits that will oxidize, like apples. These can be used if they are cut and immediately mixed with an acidic fruit to prevent browning.

Strive for similar textures but different colors.

Peel and seed all fruit as necessary.

Cut the fruit in uniform sizes, as close to serving time as you can.

Dress the salad, if desired, just before serving. Use only enough dressing to lightly coat the fruit.

3. 用英語說沙拉的步驟,還有中文翻譯

To make salad, first of all, you need to wash the vegetable or fruits.

Then you need to cut them into pieces, and put the pieces into a clean container such as bowl. Finally, you need to add salad source into the bowl and well mix the pieces of vegetable or fruits with the salad. The salad is completed.




蔬菜沙拉是一道 以圓白菜、番茄、黃瓜等作為主要食材製作而成的美食。蔬菜沙拉是一種非常營養健康的飲食方法。首先它大多不必加熱,這樣會最大限度的保持住蔬菜中的各種營養不至於被破壞或流失。


4. 求製作水果沙拉的步驟 越簡單越好 要英文的

水果沙拉的做法. 原料:蘋果、梨、桔子、香蕉、生菜葉、色拉油沙司、鮮奶油、檸檬汁。 製作方法: 首先,將蘋果、梨、桔子和香蕉都去皮去籽,切成一寸長三分寬的薄片,放入盛器內拌勻。生菜葉洗凈,消毒待用。 然後,在小盤里用生菜葉墊底,上面放拌好的水果片。再將鮮奶油,檸檬汁倒入色拉油沙司內拌勻,澆在水果片上。 水果沙拉就做好啦,如果你怕這樣吃不飽的話,下面再介紹一種美式沙拉,這種沙拉是一定能吃飽的啦。 用料:土豆、蘋果、雞肉、葯芹、核桃、生菜葉、色拉油沙司、鮮奶油、糖粉、胡椒粉。 製作方法: 首先,將土豆蒸熟去皮,雞肉煮熟,核桃去皮。蘋果去皮去籽,生菜葉洗凈消毒待用。將糖用刀壓成細粉。 然後,將土豆、蘋果、雞肉、葯芹菜均切成一寸長的絲,放入盛器里,加胡椒粉、鮮奶油、糖粉、色拉油沙司拌勻。 最後,將生菜葉平鋪在小盤里,上面放拌好的蘋果色拉。再撒上核桃仁便成。 水果沙拉(A) 材料 小番茄60克,蘋果丁65克,加州葡萄30克,新鮮櫻桃20克,草莓15克; 配料 酸奶50毫升; 製作 將以上水果擺在盤內,淋上酸奶即可。 特點 甜酸可口,紅白相映。 水果沙拉(B) 材料 菠蘿50克,蘋果50克,獼猴桃50克,香蕉50克,小西紅柿8個,櫻桃若干; 配料 紅葡萄酒1杯,白糖少許; 製作 1、將菠蘿、蘋果、獼猴桃、香蕉切成方糖大小的丁,小西紅柿1分為4;2、加入白糖和紅葡萄酒拌勻腌1個小時,同時放入冰箱;3、1個小時從冰箱取出,將櫻桃去蒂放入,即可。 特點 爽口、消暑;紅、黃、綠、白色均有。 水果沙拉(C) 材料 蘋果1個,鴨梨1個,桔子8瓣,荔枝2個,菠蘿8塊,櫻桃2個; 配料 白糖1湯匙,白蘭地酒1湯匙,碎杏仁、芹菜末、鮮奶油各1茶匙。 製作 1、將蘋果、鴨梨洗凈削皮、挖核,切成厚片;桔子一切2半;荔枝切小塊;菠蘿切厚片。2、將以上原料與芹菜一起放在瓷盤內,加白糖、白蘭地酒拌勻,撒上碎杏仁,擠上奶油花,點綴櫻桃即可。 貼士 可根據實際情況選擇原料,除主料外一般均可用罐頭代替,但須控干水分。 特點 香味濃郁,具別國風味。 水果沙拉(D) 材料 蘋果1個、菠蘿1個、橘子2個、獼猴桃2個、聖女果10個; 配料 沙拉調料100克; 製作 1、將菠蘿、獼猴桃分別切成一厘米和半厘米的扇形片,蘋果去皮切成丁,聖女果一分兩瓣,橘子去皮。 2、准備一平盤,將每兩個橘子對放,擺放一圈,將半個聖女果放在兩瓣橘子中間,然後由外向里依次擺上獼猴桃片、菠蘿片,中間放滿蘋果丁;3、最後將沙拉調料擠在中間即克。 特點 造型美觀,酸甜適口。 水果沙拉(E) 材料 香蕉2根、桔子2個、蘋果1個(不宜太大)、獼猴桃2個、紅櫻桃20粒左右。 配料 冰激凌適量 製作 1、將香蕉、桔子、蘋果、獼猴桃去籽、去皮,切塊(大小隨意)與紅櫻桃一起放入玻璃器皿中;2、取冰激凌(多少隨意,但多點好吃,最好能包住水果塊),攪拌均勻即可食用。 特點 色澤鮮艷,香甜爽口,做法簡單。 水果沙拉(F) 材料 蘋果丁20克、草莓10克、菠蘿丁40克、梨丁25克、西瓜50克、松子仁10克; 配料 沙拉醬2匙、果味酒少許。 製作 1、將上列各項水果切丁混合後加入沙拉醬拌勻。2、將拌好的水果沙拉放入沙拉碗中,上面撒上松子仁即可。 貼士 1、至少需四種以上顏色的水果拼盤,要求顏色各異、形狀不同。2盛器用玻璃器皿可使造型更加美觀。 自製沙拉醬 配料 色拉油500克、蛋黃1個、鹽少許、香料少許。 製作 用一個不銹鋼盒,將水分擦乾,將蛋黃放入,用打蛋器抽打起泡,加入色拉油繼續抽打攪拌使油和蛋黃完全融和成粘稠狀,加入鹽、白糖即可。 沙拉醬介紹 丘比沙拉醬 保持了蛋黃的濃郁香醇,並且可與其他調味醬一起使用,製作出各種口味的沙拉。 丘比沙拉醬(香甜味) 使用新鮮雞蛋,口感清香細膩,最適合製作各種蔬菜、水果沙拉。 丘比沙拉醬(全蛋型) 口感清淡,適合製作各種沙拉、三明治、漢堡包。 丘比千島醬 使用新鮮雞蛋並加入酸黃瓜,酸甜可口。適合製作各種蔬菜、火腿及海鮮沙拉。 做水果沙拉的竅門 1、做水果沙拉時,可在普通的蛋黃沙拉醬內加入適量的甜味鮮奶油,其制出的沙拉奶香味濃郁,甜味加重。 2、調制沙拉醬要用上等的色拉油和新鮮的雞蛋黃。大致的比例約在1∶1左右,既500克色拉油放入1個或不足1個的蛋黃。當打蛋器隨著色拉油徐徐倒入器皿,或順時針或逆時針不斷攪動的時候,可聞著悠悠飄起的香氣。 3、在沙拉醬內調入酸奶,可打稀固態的蛋黃沙拉醬,用於拌水果沙拉,味道更好。 4、水果的種類數量可隨個人口味隨意增減,同時水果沙拉原料要選新鮮水果,水果切後裝盤,擺放時間不宜過長,否則會影響其美觀,也會使水果的營養降低。 5、最簡便的方法還是到商場買1瓶沙拉醬回來,這可以省去很多時間,直接拌入水果就可以了。如果嫌沙拉醬偏酸,可以加入一些煉乳,比例約為3∶1,即3份的沙拉醬,1份的煉乳。在燭光下,白色的沙拉醬,五顏六色的水果,既好吃,又好看。 話你知 酸奶可當沙拉醬西瓜不能作沙拉 市場上出售的酸奶大都是各種水果風味的,用作沙拉醬可謂得天獨厚,酸奶不僅口感好,而且品種多,有各種風味和含脂成分不同的酸奶可供選擇。 蘋果、梨和香蕉是大眾化水果,其共同點是肉質都顯淡黃色或白色,正好和乳白色的酸奶相配。水果沙拉的用料分量可根據多少人用餐來定,一般來說,兩三個大蘋果和梨,再加一根香蕉就可做成一盤沙拉,所用酸奶約兩瓶。如果想給沙拉添一點色彩,也可點綴一些其它顏色的酸奶,如紅色的草莓酸奶和藍色的紫醬果酸奶,但要注意口感,不要因為追求色彩而破壞沙拉的純正風味。也可將上述三種水果中任何一樣單獨做成水果沙拉,其它水果如草莓、獼猴桃、密瓜等,也可單獨或混合在一起做成沙拉。個人還可以根據自己的喜好和所用水果的品種,選用不同風味和顏色的酸奶作沙拉醬。 水果沙拉雖容易做,卻有一些注意事項。首先,酸奶要選低脂的品種。高脂酸奶往往太稠,作出沙拉不好看,也與水果的清爽特點不符。第二,所選水果不能是那種切成丁要出很多汁水的水果,因為這會使酸奶稀釋,以至酸奶裹不住水果丁。例如,西瓜就不能作水果沙拉。同樣道理,罐頭水果也不易做沙拉,因為裡面的水果都是糖水泡的,不容易控干水分,若用,必須控干水分才行。第三,酸奶本身都帶有一定酸味,因此做沙拉的水果甜度要高一些才好吃。香蕉一般甜度足夠,蘋果和梨則因品種不同而甜度不一,需要挑選。 酸奶水果沙拉吃起來比較爽口好吃,孩子們一般愛吃。 提醒你 水果含有豐富的維生素C、維生素A以及人體必需的各種礦物質(含量最多的是鉀),大量的水分和纖維質,可促進健康、增強免疫力。不過要注意的是,有些水果的含糖量很高 沙拉醬 沙拉醬還有許多新吃法 比如添加一點橘子汁 檸檬汁什麼的 當然 一點就好 如果你喜歡吃甜的 你可以放一點點白糖 試試吧 味道很不錯的~~~ 追問: 英文的…要有通順 回答: 這個有點難度。我不太會.... 追問: 還是謝謝你 回答: Way of fruit salad The raw material: 100 grams refrigeration fresh milk, 30 grams milk powder and salt 5 gram 70 grams sugar, salad 150 grams oil and lemon 150 grams in the primary juice and 3 in yolk is given birth to Molate salad thick sauce made from soya beans, flour, and will use more first-class salad oil, add the fresh egg is yellow. The yolk ( two person-portions ) to take several eggs is put in the big bowl, and adding one tea spoon salad oil, the spoon is lashed with the steel. When lashing certainly will be according to a direction, the at the same time a little toward the Lica salad oil, then continues lashing. Initial stage is oiled certainly to be a small amount(ly), otherwise can not be very good carries on emulsify reacting. Dengs egg liquid when having some to glue the density, can add more than expected a little You Ran Hou lashes again, ( fresh milk and lemon juice, salt and sugar are joined one by one ) until egg liquid changes into up to gluing thick form sticking with paste ( still will glue thick(ly)er ) than the condensed milk very much again the raw and processed material. The thick sauce made from soya beans, flour too glues thick(ly) can to add some lemon juice a little or substitutes for with white vinegar if disliking. Had better be two person do together, a side be with salad oil, and one is played salad oil with the steel fork. The direction certainly can only faced is beaten. 你看這個可以嗎?

5. 蔬菜沙拉怎麼做英文版




基本材料 菠菜1000克,大蔥、大蒜各50克,鮮薄荷葉4片,酸牛奶100克,檸檬汁10克,黑胡椒粉、精鹽各適量。

蔬菜沙拉 (三)










6. 用英文介紹製作水果沙拉



1、Cut up the fruits.切成塊草莓,奇異果和菠蘿蜜。

2、Whisk together honey, orange juice, lime juice and zest in a small bowl.

3、In a large bowl, stir together all of the prepared fruit.

4、Pour honey citrus mixture over fruit and toss to combine.

5、Keep in the refrigerator and serve chilled.


1、First, chop up the strawberrie.首先把草莓切碎。

2、Then take two mangoes and chop them up.然後取兩個芒果,把芒果也切碎。

3、Again, take two kiwis and chop them up.同樣的取兩個獼猴桃把它切碎。

4、Take two more bananas, cut them into pieces and add blueberries if you like.取兩根香蕉切成段狀,如果你喜歡的話,還可以加點藍莓。

5、Next, pour some honey into a bowl, squeeze in some lemon juice and stir well.接下來,碗中倒入適量蜂蜜,擠入一些檸檬汁攪拌均勻。

6、Will make good salad juice, pour into the fruit, toss evenly, fruit salad is ready.將攪拌好的沙拉汁倒入水果中翻拌均勻,水果沙拉就做好了。



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