『壹』 求泰式按摩英文介紹…
The purpose of Thai massage is to bring the body, mind, and spirit into a state of balance and harmony, providing an opportunity for self-healing. The practitioner always begins the session with "Puja", a moment of centering and connection, paying attention to Promwihan Sii, the Four States of Mind: loving kindness, compassion, vicarious joy, and equanimity. This practice helps therapist and receiver to enter a state of meditation, to be mindful of prana (energy and breathing), creating an empty vessel to receive healing energy and to achieve freedom from attachment. During Puja, the practitioner recognizes and asks for assistance from the lineage of teachers (God, Buddha, Dr. Jivaka, her own personal teacher). The practitioner checks in with herself to make sure she is okay with doing the session and with working with the person on her mat. She asks for healing for the receiver, herself, anyone else she knows who needs healing, the world and the earth.
The benefits enjoyed from a Thai massage session may include the following: relief from stress, deep relaxation, warmed and stretched muscles, healing energy flow, greater flexibility, increased and focused energy levels, prevention of injury, relief from sore and aching muscles and joints, detoxification, and a feeling of confidence and well-being. This bodywork is perfect preparation for anyone in training for an athletic event, performance or any kind of physical or mental test. It helps one focus energy and attention on the task at hand. It is highly therapeutic for those in pain from tension, injury, or illness.
The yoga postures applied by the practitioner are intended to balance the receiver through the Ayurvedic philosophy of the tridoshas. Different asanas create this balance affecting the person's nature, whether they are kapha, pitta, or vata in their constitution. For instance, to assist a kapha client, the practitioner may assist the client into a plough asana. Or, for a pitta type, she may pull him into a cobra position. The therapist may choose to give a vata type person some palming on the shoulders. (For explanations of the doshas, see the article on page 3 of this issue.)
How the therapist concts the massage session will affect the client, too. For a vata person, the therapist will calm him and create steadiness and grounding strength by using slow, meditative, gentle movements, releasing tension in the pelvis and lower torso. The pitta type client needs relaxing, cooling work to help him give in to healing energy, affecting the liver and other abdominal internal organs. The kapha type will appreciate an energetic and stimulating session with postures that increase the heart activity and aerobic conditions.
Self-healing is the foundation of Ayurvedic healing, and Thai massage facilitates that for anyone willing to experience it. It is healing for both the practitioner and the receiver. Thai massage teachers and practitioners all over the world can be found listed in internet directories by searching "Thai massage". Some excellent books on Thai massage include The Practice of Thai Yoga Massage by Kam Thye Chow, Thai Massage Manual by Maria Mercati, and Thai Massage, a Traditional Medical Technique by Richard Gold. Kam Thye Chow is especially helpful in understanding the Ayurvedic principles involved with Thai massage. Of course, one can travel to Thailand to learn and to receive Thai massage from Wat Pho in Bangkok, the Old Medicine Hospital, and Lek Chaiya Nerve Touch Massage School in Chiang Mai, just a few of the myriad of schools there.
『貳』 有誰知道這是泰式按摩還是中式按摩
『叄』 西班牙騎士按摩是什麼
『肆』 請問泰式按摩的時候,客人趴著,按摩人員在你前面彎腰給你按摩背,感覺她們的下體部位對著客人腦袋合適嗎
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『陸』 泰式按摩床圖片