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Ⅰ 《鐵臂金剛(1986)》免費在線觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1wSaAWFcJsI6-XBfZpBs4_g

?pwd=w6hc 提取碼: w6hc
導演: 賽爾喬·馬蒂諾
編劇: 賽爾喬·馬蒂諾
主演: Daniel Greene、珍妮特·阿格倫、約翰·薩克松
類型: 動作、科幻
製片國家/地區: 義大利
語言: 義大利語
上映日期: 1986-03-26
片長: 94 分鍾
又名: Atomic Cyborg、Return of the Terminator、Paco - Kampfmaschine des Todes、Arms of Steel
Sinister instrialist Francis Turner, played by John Saxon, creates a cyborg known as Paco Queruak (Daniel Greene) who has been programmed to terminate the leader of an ecological faction that stands in the way of the dystopian country in which the story is set. After failing in his mission to eliminate the ecologist, Paco flees to Arizona where he must face his opponents; and ultimately choose between his humanity and robotic natures.


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